Deep and Meaningless - Rooster
recently, i found my Rooster CD. miss the guitar sound. knew today, they've broken up.
still, good music.
~ tired easily
songs walk with life
you can stand
at the same bus stop one future day
then a familiar song behind you play
you will be miles away
"Ah,music.A magic beyond all we do here!"
~J.K.Rowling,Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,1997~
recently, i found my Rooster CD. miss the guitar sound. knew today, they've broken up.
still, good music.
1:41 AM
Tags Bands
a 2006 movie. as late as i was, I LOVE the movie! James are too cute! ^_^
great soundtrack too. enjoy this song 'String of Blinking Lights by Paper Moon'
~ Hoppipolla!
1:48 PM
Tags Bands
my "babies" got a new home. ^_^
soon, my poem blog Write to Breathe will be too. just don't know how to present that yet.
so it looks like only LifeSongs left with Blogger.
---> LostinSpace Collection
10:26 AM
dislike her choice of style, but the band and her voice rocks.
~ a crazy past week
12:09 AM
Tags Bands
but even when our hopes gives way to reality
and we finally have to surrender to the truth
it just means we’ve lost today’s battle
not tomorrow’s war .
- - -> listen to Grey's
Grey's 20th episode in Season 5 is by far the most heart-wrenching ever!
and this song is perfect for the ending of 'Sweet Surrender' ^_^
~ had a good cry
4:43 PM
Tags Bands, TV Series Songs
6:26 PM
Tags Bands
i can't stop playing this song everyday all week. it will grew on you. ^_^
the vid is a live version recorded in their attic. they are known to play super well live.
~ slept with a pencil on my hand.
9:45 AM
Tags Bands
~ and you don't know what i've done
4:33 PM
Tags Female Artists
read how I got to know about her --->Tumblr entry Apr 20,2009
4:11 PM
Tags Female Artists
so i've been playing with the idea of permanently closing this blog.
just because i'm having too much fun in Tumblr. haha.
but i got 1 follower today. a default follower! i think.
so like Twitter and Tumblr, Blogger have this too. kinda cool. so Rethinking?
i'll see how it goes.
but still, here i can babble all i want. cause i want to keep my tumblr clean and artistic.
meh. still there's babbling there too. gosh can't help it.
anyway, just want to share the song for today.
~ o^_^o catching invincible butterflies
12:22 PM
Elizabeth Gilbert talks
I had a massive relief from hearing this particular talk.
It sums up almost Everything of my worries.
Few points rapped the clouds off my head.
it explains exactly why I have lightnings of ideas keep striking me and that sometimes my mind is in crazy need to get it out of my system in creative forms, like my writings, paintings and scribble journals.
of course all comes from Allah. I knew that deep down.
it's just that, it's really hard to grasp that doing what i do is enough?.
which i guess we all feels sometimes.
to have No Worries at all is of course present more thinking space available for something else.
so the idea of being more than you really ARE is the ego talking.
being the best of what you are able to become is functional.
that's what i get from her talk.
but of course, a source isn't sufficient.
another way of looking at it is that her idea might send a message that we can't grasp the unreachable ourselves. that we are limited. which in return, stop us from pushing ourselves to the limit and beyond or cause some Men to feel they are God.
so i can see why in Islam, moderation is ultimate.
living large in sufficient.
i need to find more knowledge on this particular way.
at least for now, i get to grip little bit more on my entire principle.
that i love to grow and learn. that is my job. my goal.
~ getting a job
2:44 AM
7:49am 9.4.09 wake up song ---> Brand New Start by Little Joy
~ juicy fresh moments of ideas
7:48 AM
Tags Bands, Riding on the Life Lane
i tried to go to sleep. reading Children if Hurin. before that checking my usual net stops. no tumblr post idea yet. then i got really sleepy while thinking about my dad and his dream for me. it's an admiration how much he works for us. *sigh*
anyway, for some reason i checked my deviantart. then i read a DA friend's journal. He posted about how DA rejected to ban an art drawing of prophet Muhamad with swords in his hand and "killer" in a sentence portraying that Islam first breed of murder.
Reason : not Hate Art.
it's disgraceful. many of us, non-muslims included exploded with opinions, reasons, statements, this and that.
within all those words, it seem clear cut to me that the rule which Muslim believed in at it's core = "NO DRAWING OF PROPHET'S FACE" is exactly what "these" people used to provoke ANGER.
so now, I couldn't sleep at all! urgh! after my own feedback to that, now i'm sitting here and thinking. If this is the tactic "they" are using. the same as the comic years ago.
Why the same reaction?
So i pat myself in the back, for not replying to the guy's journal.
Instead, I just converse with others on how we agree that this "kind" still exist.
And now I'm laughing hysterically in my mind...of course THEY DO! dhuh!
what came out of this was to continue living and paint the right way for the generations before me. because, the legacy we are creating today, is what shaped them. we want LESSER humans with this "hatred mind games lovers". we want to let them grow knowing that the better way is the ONLY way. no matter how cool the Wrong seems to be.
in order to do this, WE have to Change..Now! keep the counter-attack full-on.
it's How we live our lives that matters. period. and i intend to live mine bravely and as rightly as I could. for the black potches, i need YOU to help me.
~ ya Allah, forgive all my wrong doings. amin.
3:28 AM
10:46 PM
11:49 PM
Tags Female Artists
Good Morning gorgeous beings! ^_^ ---> nysheart expressaway
~ time off!
8:22 AM
little sore throat but thank Allah not that bad.
so today it's been 62 days of NO COKE! yesss! once giving that up, i realized that not everything that feels good worth having. and yesterday, after chatting with mum and reading a link a friend sent me about coke, i came down to NO FIZZY DRINKS! lol.
well, in certain occasion, sure i'll have some, but the truth is, there's no desire for it anymore.
wow! i'm even stunned at myself for feeling this way. lol.
there is one drink that i really don't think i'll give up totally yet and that is the Evervess Ginger Ale!
if that is the only fizzy drink i will drink in my entirely life? i am so fine with that!
Vampire Weekend mood today. Even the vid cheer me up. ^_^ Enjoy!
~ tumblr is delicious!
8:10 PM
Tags Bands
i know at least one of my friend has one. anyone else? ^_^
4:50 PM
Kuantan is so hot! literally.
anyway, the last post of Ladyhawke i forgot to mention a few things about the vid.
1. the video use "watercolor" medium, which i am studying right now.
2. she's driving, I heart driving.
coincidence? hehe.
~ hate unpacking.
5:41 PM
OMG! i didn't have a clue she was from NZ even lived in Wellington for some time.
this is truly a fantastic coincidence of "connection".
see, i told ya the "connection" always finds me. ^_^
i heard this song from a pv friend from australia.
Totally love the song My Delirium. been listening to it non stop since yesterday!
will be checking out her album when i get back from my weekend trip to Kuantan.
here it is!
Official Website :
~ pap pap parra
11:51 PM
Tags Female Artists
remember UBER? the site i was excited about few months ago?
huge bummer when it was shut down.
now I am a Tumblr.
born today.
excited with all the potentials.
check it out :
~ scribblings.
5:33 PM
11:36 PM
when it could be worth much more.
i try to always keep that in mind in my everyday life decision making.
of course it's exhausting.
sometimes too much, to think and do.
always seem to derailed from being the best of me.
but i can rest when i'm dead.
life have so much more to give, while i am still here.
Enjoy 'I'm Not Over' by Carolina Liar.
~ packing for grandparents weekend.
2:06 AM
Tags Bands, TV Series Songs
it happens sometimes.we unconsciously got cuts and wonder why.
i got one on my left index fingertip. ^_^ LOL.
i gotta say, David Archuleta's pop album is very good. his voice itself is amazing enough.lucky boy.
Here's one of my fav song from that album, "My Hands". Enjoy!
~ wondering when will Jojo make a new album.
2:23 PM
Tags Male Artists
this is the ultimate song that never bore me. Always makes my day.
I just LURVVEEE singing it.
her other songs are pretty awesome.she just have that raspy voice that i adore.
~ want New Hair like Now!
10:28 AM
Tags Female Artists
a friend recalled this song to me.
i forgot how nice the song is. ( great 90s rock band. love them all. )
so here it is. :)
~ run, jump, sprint!
11:22 PM
Tags Bands
am tired of people who use the word "I" in everything they do.
please, you're not alone in this universe!
so Open Your Damn Eyes.
~ controlled selfishness.
9:00 PM
until Peace & Democracy is fully imposed in Israel.
(an sms was given to me by a friend yesterday morning)
I read further. Google these : killercoke, ei:the case for boycotting Israel.
It's the state of mind of a community.
We tell ourselves, we can't change who we are, who they are, that some people will not change just because we told them to. We change when we want to.
If that so, in this case of a country, it is a dead end, right?
Revolution is a waste of time then huh.
Well, this got me thinking, of individuality & humanity.
It is not the same thing is it.
Humanity is embedded in us.
Individuality is created by us.
So I believe, people can change.That's the whole purpose of humanity.
We evolved. We don't get stuck in a rut forever.
We just got lost sometimes.
In Palestine, families got killed in the name of power.
Humans will fight back on injustice. Why question that?
When we know the tug and war of both opposite will go on,
because there is No Justice in War.
History teach us that.
This 'humanity' process of attack and fight is the middle phase.
The beginning phase is 'our mind'.
where we decided on choices.
The end phase MUST BE 'our mind' as well.
where we Must decide on choices as well.
The choices lies back to the 'humanity' in us.
Until what end,
does the Israeli willing to kill for power?
how long can the Palestine die to hold their land?
It seems, both are strong.
Though, the Israeli looks stronger because they are "Big".
And to kill the "Small" is pretty much an easy task.
Which tells me about their Individuality.
They chose to be a killer. A greedy type of killer.
What force in today's world made them become this 'barbaric'?
The responsible people of this war is by far the ugliest form of humans.
Humanity & Individuality, both destroyed.
So how to fix that kind of loss?
The good people of Israeli have to unite against their rotten breed and give back what's right to the people of Palestine.
The victims of Palestine, somehow someway have to take the high road too.
Blood for blood isn't going to work. Because let's face it, no other Muslim country wants to be in war. (yeah i know, we are selfish too) or is it because we found a better way to stand for our rights without bloodshed?
Or should every country in the world form a group of willing soldiers to Unite and take down the 'gone too far' Israeli once & for all?!
If succeeded, what then?Teach them a lesson?Punishment?
It's going to come back to their Humanity and Individuality.
Can we change who they are?
That's the question isn't it?
Let it be the hope and goal. Change your own world,Israeli.
I believe in Humanity even how tiny it is.
We can change.
Stop trying to control others when you can't even keep your soul.
and finally, I do not want to live in "Gotham City".
~ my heart prays for the victims of any war.
12:47 PM
or a million, it doesn't matter.
i have made peace.
picked up the brushes, terrified then excited, then in awe.
how did that came out?
Song for Today, 10000 Stones by Adrianne.
My days are filled with mistakes
Some that I didn't make
I carry them around
Some people don't feel a thing
Some kind of blissful dream
Wish I could live that now
oh I wish I could live that now
10,000 stones hanging
deep in my heart
no I don't know how they
don't tear me apart
how could I ever believe
10,000 stones would build
the best of me.
I've seen a lot in my life
I've seen two wrongs make a right
When everything was crashing
I know that you got your plans
You're always taking your stand
But I was only asking
No I was never asking for
who knows what you think of me now
knowing sooner or later
the truth would come out
but I don't want to look back
don't want to look back to
10,000 stones hanging deep in my heart
no I don't know how they don't tear me apart
how could I ever believe
10,000 stones would save the fool in me
10,000 stones would be a strange blessing
10,000 stones would build the best of me
~ today is going to be Brilliant. (everyday)
9:22 PM
I can't let myself sleep.
One reason was the new idea I thought of on the drive way home.
That always happens. My ideas comes naturally while driving and about to sleep state.
Another reason, I'm kinda hungry but lazy to move and find anything.
So I am writing.
"What do I do?" oh boy, how can I ever answer that Q in short sentences.
My common answer would be - nothing, only at home.(which i use everytime)
"Only" at home sounds like nothing isn't it?
Well, I think that's what people think anyway.
Then again, I don't know what people think.
And people don't really know What I do.
But the real Q is, does everyone really wants to know?
Should I share it anyway to fill the empty spaces?
Or should I continue giving the same answer?
I never really care what people think about me.That's who I am.
But I care about the thoughts of who I care about.
Last month, I met up with an old friend.
In 2 years, that was the 1st time ever I told mostly everything what I do.
and it turns out? it was so much that after we pay our parking tickets, we still talk at the parking lot. haha.I guess, my sheltered answers have + and - outcome.
oh well, 2009 is here. I truly felt relieved! "A specific date" will never ever exist anymore.Yey!
To sum it up, 2007&2008 is the 'transition' phase.
While going through the process,
I read. A LOT. sometimes at cafes.
(my money mostly spent for books & i joined Shelfari Book community)
I write. Not as much as I read. (and yes including short stories & fictions)
I listen to people's stories because it's priceless and for me to draw inspiration to create one.
(maybe that's why strangers often ask me things)
I study on my own on photography, literature, art history, the business in photography, interior, design softwares and continue exposing myself with the art world community,galleries,sites & blogs. Learning from the experts. I go to the libraries sometimes.
I continue jotting down ideas in my sketch books.
I recently started to paint with watercolor.
I enjoy spending time in Polyvore & Deviantart.
I follow many TV Series.
I have wardrobe makeover about twice a year.
I always find new song to listen & share.
I do house chores Everyday (physical & emotional needs)
I take care of my sick brother (shower,food and accompany)
I lay down strict rules on certain things (like my sister's study schedule, my nephews sleeping curfew& breakfast, prayers)
I surveyed a lot of Universities and Courses, but still undecided.
I begun to have a dream to open an Art Gallery/art business.
I traveled to NZ and UK.
I have shares in family business.
I have a house. (err..i think
I am a member of Glokal Koperasi.
I am a certified beauty&spa practitioner.
I sell Mary Kay cosmetics. (helping my mum)
I have many opportunities to work but it was never the right time.
I hang out with my friends. They kept me sane.
I jogged sometimes and badly want to play netball.
I love my new home area, Putrajaya, simply because it's very peaceful & that's rare. I like to open my window and sit with my feet outside and think.
I or my brother go to Ampang (our old house) every Saturday and picked up our house helper, buy nasi lemak Abg Ramli Sarip & burger ayam cheese.
I teach and draw with my nephews whenever they want to, like a teacher. (usually they ask me to draw things for them like Ben 10,Ultraman or Joker! lol)
I take them out too sometimes to KLCC Kinokunya and sit with them at the children book section until we're tired.
I take care of the family car.
I had a heel surgery.
I was an MC for the 1st time in my life at PWTC under a public event.
I buy CDs and Buffy the Vampire Slayers comics from the same seller from ebay everytime. :)
I have an autographed Andrew Belle's EP which he signed upon my request before sending it to me from the US. ^_^
all i can say is that, i have all these routines & events filling up my life.
i juggle everything. one thing for sure, my life was NEVER BORING.
i wake up, family then myself, others then i sleep.
So if people ask me what I do?
I answered, "only at home".
Because that is one big world in my book - the people in it needed me as much as i needed them.
2009 is going to be something new again.
despite everything i do, i want to do more.i will continue exploring my creative sides.
continue reading, studying,painting.
I LOVE MY LIFE. as simple as it seems or as complicated as reality bitings,
to know what I do?
i'm only at home.doing nothing much. :)
~ feels good to open up a bit.
3:20 AM
from Dido's new album Safe Trip Home.
Beautiful words and melody.
Though, the song was in Grey's Anatomy,
I love it when it is in Ghost Whisperer Season 4 Episode 9.
It's perfect for a morning song. :)
Like a morning like the one I'm having now.
The Quiet Times.
Truly love it.
You ask me where I'd go tonight
I'd go back to today last year
We knew how to make each other happy
And there was hope of everything
It's hard enough to feel the world as it is
And hold on anything
Without these quiet times
You've bought round here
I'm gonna to have to run away
I'm sure that I belong some other place
I've seen another side of all I've seen
It keeps me wondering where my family is
It's hard enough to see the world as it is
And hold on anything
Without these quiet times
Coming round here
Now I miss you
And I want you
But I can't have you
Even when you're here
I suppose I have to take you with me broken mind
I'd rather leave you here
So forget everything you've seen and known
Erase every idea
If you walk up in the street
And hold my hand and smile
Well I won't be taken in
Cos I know how it turns out
And it takes me back
To these quiet times
Coming round here
Now I miss you
And I want you
You're not coming back
And I need you
But I can't have you
Even when you're here
Now I miss you
And I want you
You're not coming back
And I need you
But I can't have you
Even when you're here
~ Today, will be Good
6:02 AM
Tags Female Artists