Notice - 20/06/09

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

All Those Pretty Lights

in the sky, in your eyes, on your fingertips, in the clouds of your wonders - igniting the spark in your heart.
I feel more like myself at the moment.

Aidilfitri is coming. What does it mean to me? That the calm and blessings of Ramadhan is almost over. The preciousness of nighttime will change back to normal. Long season of rolling with the flow of life. Floating. Easier ways of falling from grace. Cause Ramadhan punches a blissful breeze into our heart. We tend to control our mischiefs. How strong this Ramadhan is. Just because what lies beneath.
So saying goodbye to it? Sad. This year especially.

However, to those who 'won' Ramadhan, celebrate your victories this Aidilfitri.
To me, you know how blessed you are. How tough you are. How hard life is.
Also how goodness still pulses through your veins and people's.
That's good news right? Given the state of the world today. The world is in various troubles!
So Don't close your eyes people!

All Those Pretty Lights comes knocking at the right time in my life.
Clearly, by now, you can figure out how Songs are actors of my storyline.
They tend to fall on my lap from nowhere sometimes.
( thank you Universe!)
Like this particular artist, added me on Myspace.
This is the 2nd Myspace musician I promoted here in my blog.
I sense Big things for him. All The Best! :)

New Upcoming Musician : Andrew Belle
EP : All Those Pretty Lights.
Website :Andrew Belle on Myspace

my Review - get your hands on it! the lyrics are gems. the EP is a window to a promising future.
" we got stars in our eyes, see how they burn, see how they burn - In Your Sleep "

~ feel like myself, more ~


padi said...

Assalamualaikum Kak Nysh..maafkan padi..kalau salah betulkan ek..kita sbg org Islam x bole menganggap lagu tu sbg channel dlm hidup kita..itu sudah memberi Allah's right to other things beside Allah..boleh mensyirikkan ye anak2..hehe..Islam is the way of life..worship Allah = love+hope+fear Allah..Sekian..:)

Passionnista said...

Waalaikumsalam Padi.
No worries. :)
My theory of life is this :
We are humans born with deria sbg tools.
Akal,Telinga,Tangan,Mata,Mulut,Mata Hati.
Sebagai manusia, kita di beri hak mengekspresi diri. Bentuk ekspresi, ada bentuk lukisan, puisi, music, gubahan bunga ke, etc.
If melukis painting la contohnya, kite mengimitasi Allah's creation.
Niatnya, adalah kita mengadaptasi keindahan Allah bukan mencipta. Merekod apa yg kita lihat dengan cara kita sendiri.
Pada kak nysh, lagu adalah bentuk ekspresi.
Lagu = perkataan+melodi.
Perkataan boleh dlm pelbagai bahasa.
Lagu ni macam puisi berirama.
Lagu bukanlah pengganti doa.
Bukan pengganti cara hidup.
Lagu adalah pemikiran manusia lain mengadaptasikan keindahan Life.
How people see life.
They are stories,thoughts.
Because Life isn't always beautiful.
Some people, smoke to release stress.
Some people, bawak kereta laju nk mengekspreskan perasaan.
Some people, draw.
All these things, ciptaan manusia are merely tools.
They are human's property and value.
Songs in particular is not guidance.
We are smart enough to think how to use our deria. :)
But of course, im not perfect.
Im merely living my life that's been given to me.