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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Reason

The Reason behind this Song Blog.
Is it really just about a good song to recommend?
Well,firstly of course it is.
But i would like to share thoughts on this.
I havent updated lately.Been busy troubling myself wit endless troubles.
Anyway,here it goes.

Some people wrote thoughts on current issues, so that ignorance from some of us can be shake off.
To let us know, that they care and they think more than others.
That they aren't simply floating this earth in a self-centered way.
That our feelings and troubles mattered less than reality of everyday life.

And this is why lyrics/songs come to play.

To me, its a Tool to release the burdening inner quarrel.
It can then clear up the way for Reality.

Denying the need of humans to remain where they are comfortable, is wrong.
Then again, it is fate that even in the calmest weather, disaster awaits its turn and the cycle continues-never ending.
Of course there's an ending. After life-the eternity.

It boils down to one endless fight-keep reaching for the comfort zone.
Every time you win, you have greater capability& experience to show others the way.
And Allah will keep sending new test.And again we fight and learn,then teach.

It is when we stop reaching for comfort zone and stop teaching, that the world keeps becoming impossible to live in.

So songs are just one of the tiny way I saw that can help us reach that comfort zone.
Coz its human made.Human stories and fights.Things we can relate to.
Presented in a simpler - indirect way.
Its jst a tiny tiny thing that brighten the heart and opening up the mind.

So keep washing the inwards thoughts away..and look around!

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